Animal Dissections

I think schools use animal dissections so the students, and possibly even teachers, can learn more about an animal and locate and name all the parts of an animal and the function of it. For example, while dissecting a frog this past week, I learned how you sex the frog, all the different body parts, […]

Taste Test Experiment

In Destinee’s and my project, we did a taste test to see if a person ranked the food they don’t like higher if they were blinded-folded. We surveyed twenty people, and onions, tomatoes, dark chocolate, and olives were the most common disliked food (we also chose Skittles as an alternative because most people would like […]

The Creation of The Universe; My Opinion

There are many beliefs or ideas as to how the universe was created/formed. Many people believe that the universe was created by the Big Bang theory, a theory which states that the universe began by a “big bang”, or explosion. Another idea is called the oscillating model, or theory. This model states that the universe […]