Animal Dissections

I think schools use animal dissections so the students, and possibly even teachers, can learn more about an animal and locate and name all the parts of an animal and the function of it. For example, while dissecting a frog this past week, I learned how you sex the frog, all the different body parts, I located the parts of the frog such as the stomach and intestines, and learned the role a frog plays in its ecosystem. Dissections are important too because they can help students to get a better look at the different body parts of an animal. While dissecting an animal, a student might discover he or she wants to further discover about the animal they dissected and advance further in that category, helping scientists with  more discoveries in animal science. Dissections are a great learning experience, unless you’re like me and can’t look at the inside of an animal without getting sick. I think every person should dissect an animal to learn more about animals, their systems, and their body parts.

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