Taste Test Experiment

In Destinee’s and my project, we did a taste test to see if a person ranked the food they don’t like higher if they were blinded-folded. We surveyed twenty people, and onions, tomatoes, dark chocolate, and olives were the most common disliked food (we also chose Skittles as an alternative because most people would like Skittles).  Then, we selected one person for each of the four disliked food, and an extra person chosen at random. Next, we sat the person down, blind-folded them, let them taste the food, and then rate it. We compared the results of the taste test to those of the survey, and made our conclusion statement: The food did taste better, or was rated higher, when the person was blind-folded.  Through all this, I learned that when someone cannot see what they’re eating, they will be more likely to rate the food they don’t like higher. I liked how the participants were very cooperative and trustworthy of Destinee and I. They weren’t (or didn’t show) that they were scared, they just let us do our project. I wish I knew more about people’s taste and why if you’re blind-folded, food seems to taste better.

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